It’s just about time to say goodbye to Final Fantasy XI on consoles. Service on the PlayStation 2 and Xbox 360 will be discontinued at the end of this march, and those clients will no longer update or operate. But the game is old enough now that only requires a computer slightly more powerful than your average toaster oven to run, and Square-Enix is welcoming players off of consoles and on to PCs with the new Vana’diel reentry campaign.
The campaign will run from March 25th until March 29th, giving console veterans a chance to play for free and get used to the PC version’s idiosyncracies while also transferring over valuable assets like macros, screenshots, and so forth. It’s a chance for loyal players to make the jump to a new platform now that the game itself is moving on to that platform, so if you’ve gotten used to playing in front of the couch, you might want to check out the campaign and start booting up your computer.