It’s May, so that means it’s time to start planning for Halloween, right? Well, maybe if you’re Ultima Online. In the game’s latest newsletter, Broadsword says that it’s already looking past publish 93 to 94, which will bring back traditional Halloween events and conclude some of the storylines begun with last year’s Time of Legends expansion.
In the nearer future, however, the studio is pushing publish 93 to the test server and some of the smaller production shards for feedback. This patch includes the Myrmidex invasion quest, complete with new alchemy craftables and rewards; the newsletter also teases more distant content in the works, like website vendor search, a pet revamp, and an update for the oldish High Seas pirate content.
Long-term players can look forward to a year with copious rewards, says UO Producer Bonnie “Mesanna” Armstrong. “We have already begun working on Halloween, Anniversary Gifts, Holiday Gifts, Vet Rewards and a few new items for Thanksgiving,” she writes. “One of this year’s new Vet Rewards is a new mount… here is a hint: It has more than 4 legs!”