The last data wipe for Shroud of the Avatar is coming very soon. On July 27th, the final wipe will take place, new player-owned towns will not be accepted, and several homes and basement pledges will be removed from pledges. The developers are quick to state that it’s not launch, but it’s still a major milestone for development. So what’s the best way to celebrate? A telethon, naturally!
The telethon will start at 1:00 p.m. EDT and will run for 12 hours to celebrate the final event. Developers will drink, dance, crack jokes, and award players with emotes and decorative items for reaching donation goals during the show. Another telethon is already being planned for August 22nd, after which time all remaining pledges will be disabled, so you might want to get in on that now if you’ve been holding off. There’s also plenty more to chew on in the dispatch to the community, including the process of making Spite prettier. (The location Spite, not the emotion.)