Blizzard’s J. Allen Brack has a post on the official forums tonight that ought to temper expectations players might have about World of Warcraft vanilla servers and a possible BlizzCon announcement.
“We’ve seen some talk among the community that you might be expecting to hear some news on legacy servers at BlizzCon,” he writes, “and we just wanted to take a moment to let you know that while we’re still discussing the possibility, we won’t have any updates to share on that until after the show.”
Earlier this month, pro-Legacy server representatives of the former Nostalrius emulator posted that BlizzCon marked “the golden occasion for [Blizzard] to announce [its] plan for legacy realms, and potentially fulfill the dreams of millions of fans over the world,.” The group insisted that Blizzard has “everything in [its] hands to fulfill the large community request for Legacy servers,” and then Nostalrius issued what appeared to be a threat: “[I]f Blizzard doesn’t make an announcement to honour their own core values, be sure that we will.”
Instead, Brack says, the team will be focused on future content for the live game at next month’s convention.
“These past few months we’ve been laser-focused on the launch of Legion and getting Patch 7.1: Return to Karazhan ready to go (it’s almost here!), as well as prepping for BlizzCon—which is always a huge undertaking itself. You’ve heard us say that the launch of Legion was just the beginning of the story we want to tell in this expansion. What we will focus on at BlizzCon is how the team is committed to making sure we bring you a steady stream of content going forward, and we can’t wait to share what’s next for Legion.”
Bluff called?