Do you want a shiny level 940 Legendary in World of Warcraft instead of being stuck with the garbage level 910 you already have? (Or instead of the nothing you already have, because it’s all totally random.) The good news is that you can indeed turn your 910 Legendary item into a 940; the slightly worse news is that the developers have confirmed that you’ll have to put some work in to make that happen. Once the Nighthold opens up, a quest will be available, and that’s where you have to start.
Players will need to collect Essence of Aman’thul from raids, Mythic caches, PvP weekly quests, and Emissary chests to complete this quest. Once complete, the quest will reward an item to upgrade a Legendary item to 940. The good news is that if you still haven’t gotten one Legendary or a second Legendary, any new Legendaries will already be level 940, so you’ll only have to play catch-up for your extant orange items. That implies it won’t be too onerous to handle the upgrades, either, although we’ll have to see the details when the quest and the Nighthold go live next week.