Players of Elite: Dangerous have spent quite a while anticipating the arrival of the Thargoids. There were hopeful skirmishes against the aliens soon after their full arrival, and players have finally managed to take out the ships using specialized tactics. That means the tides of battle may be turning, as you can see the alien ship go down in the video below. Go humans!
Of course, that raises the question of whether or not the Thargoids are actually hostile aliens in the first place because as it turns out… well, it’s hard to communicate with a ship that can destroy almost anything, isn’t it?
While some players are happy to simply treat the ships as an invading alien menace, others have noticed that the strange ships don’t actually attack unless other ships come near them; if left alone, they do not seek out conflict. Does that mean that they’re the good guys? That they’re fleeing some greater threat? That they’re part of differing factions? No one knows. But the theories are flying, and all that’s certain is that the ships themselves aren’t going away.