Dog ’em all you want, but Neowiz is plainly not giving up on Bless Online anytime soon. Today’s Steam note heralds still more content launching for the newly-out-of-early-access MMORPG, this time landing next week on November 21st ahead of the holiday.
“In the update, we will be adding the brand new Ruber Ossuary dungeon! The entrance will be able to be found in Rosso’s Mansion in Terny City for Union, and in the Timorris Abandoned Mine in the Elemental Forest for Hieron. Players will be able to enter it once per day, and must be level 50 to do so. A five-person party is recommended to tackle this challenge, as players will be facing down a variety of nefarious bosses! In the depths of Ruber Ossuary, Sulla’s resting place, players will come face to face with mid-level bosses such as Mutant Osis, Magum the Evil Spirit Sorcerer, and Chief Priest Bursty. The Final boss of Ruber Ossuary is Sulla Ruber. From defeating these bosses, players have a chance to receive a variety of valuable rewards.”
Neowiz is also talking up new DLC packs and discounts plus the arrival of looting pets – that is, pets that have the auto-looting skill – in the cash shop. Steam Charts still shows the game with a small population, though a little bit over what it was before the formal launch.