Still keeping an eye on Squadron 42, the Star Citizen spin-off that’s… well, it’s closer to launch than Star Citizen is, at least. Cloud Imperium sent out a dispatch to backers recapping the state of development of the game in February.
Yes, we know it’s almost April. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The newsletter covers work on AI, character collision, the Javelin, Archon Station, audio, scanning improvements, gas cloud graphics, the editor, level flow on the first third of the game, the air traffic controller feature, vehicle damage and destruction and more mocap work – 56 new mocap lines. The studio, which you’ll recall was recently renamed to bring it into line with CIG’s branding, has also been working on hair, which we’ve been covering for Star Citizen along the way.
“This month, Character Art revisited the hair development pipeline. With the help of the Graphics Team, they developed new tools and shader tech to improve realism while maintaining quality and performance. They’re currently modeling characters and new hairstyles to test their new pipeline with. Progress also continues on the Vanduul character model. The head and body mesh are complete, with texturing currently underway.”