Want to get your hands on Lost Ark? So do we, but all we can do for the time being is sit on our hands and hope that a westward version gets here sooner rather than later. Yet there is activity happening for this gorgeous MMOARPG, including its launch in Korea and movement into Russia and China.
But what is even more interesting this week is the list of jobs that developer Smilegate recently posted. Reading through these, we can deduce that perhaps — perhaps — a mobile edition of the game is in the works. The company is also hiring developers skilled in Unreal Engine 4, which may point to an engine upgrade from the title’s current use of Unreal Engine 3. Either way, it’s still going to be a fantastic-looking title.
Smilegate did confirm last fall that Lost Ark would be coming to both North America and Europe, although it declined to give a timetable for this event.