Vindictus is about to get a lot more shooty and portal magic-y. Eira the Void Witch, the pistol-toting temporal magic user that was first revealed in March went live yesterday in the action combat MMO, along with the return of the spring Golden Time event.
The 14th Vindictus hero melds stylish gun-fun akimbo pistol badassery with portal magic to multiply her shots or dart around danger. She’s also another character in a long line of classes that manage to meld firearms with witchcraft, much like Blade & Soul’s Gunslinger or WildStar’s Spellslinger. Just with more portals.
Yesterday also marked the start of Golden Time in Vindictus, which rewards players with a bunch of goodies for every weekend they log in between now and Tuesday, June 4th. Players can also take advantage of some doubled AP and XP gains during the first two weeks of Golden Time and an additional Departure Count during the final two weeks.
All of the timing and details for Golden Time are here, while a new trailer showcasing Eira’s form of magic is below.