Nuclear Winter: It’s not, as one deeply confused Twitter citizen insisted, a desperate game’s winter update being rolled out in the summer but rather the scientific term for the anticipated post-nuclear war global cooling effect. And more specifically in Fallout 76, Nuclear Winter is the surprisingly (or maybe not surprisingly) popular battle royale mode added as a test feature to the game earlier this month.
Bethsoft’s penned a dev blog today diving into what players can expect from the mode as it’s recently moved into a more formal state of beta. Specifically, the studio is promising more stability patches, fewer duplicate perk rewards, and more balance tweaks.
“In Nuclear Winter, everyone starts on a level playing field. Maintaining that fairness is very important to us, especially as players gain access to a wider variety of Perk Cards by ranking up, and throughout each match as players get their hands on the many weapons that can appear in-game. With this in mind, we’re currently looking to address a few balance issues for a number of weapons and Perk Cards (And yes, that includes Frog Legs.)”
The studio is also promising “consistent updates” for the mode alongside the core game’s updates. “Please be vocal” in feedback, Bethsoft says. We’re sure you will be.