Customizing your character is one of the most fun things in gaming, especially in MMOs because you get to show off your creations. That said, have you ever wondered what the devs of your chosen title think of your build and your style? Warframe’s Community Director Rebecca Ford has taken some time out of her busy schedule to do just that in a video from the folks at Ars Technica.
The video is pretty straightforward, as one would expect: Ford flips through several player-built Warframes, offering her input and comments on both the Frame’s aesthetic style and build choices. It’s a fun bit of viewing and also happens to showcase Ford’s deep knowledge of the game as she talks shop regarding what she sees in each Frame’s loadout.
If you’ve got about 10 minutes to yourself and love to see this sort of stuff in Warframe, then the video is absolutely for you. We’ve got it embedded below. And here’s hoping this becomes something of a regular feature from the devs!