If you ever visit my place, I have a few simple rules. First, please bring crunchy snacks. Second, understand that I will give very large hugs if granted permission to do so. Third, please don’t come in here because my place is an absolute wreck and I’m so embarrassed please go away. Presumably, the EVE Online fan whose house will be a stop in the game’s World Tour won’t have that last problem.
Yes, a winner has been chosen from a September contest to host CCP Games in their living room for a livestream: Lilianah, who flies for the Avanto corp as part of the Hole Control alliance. This lucky individual will not only host an official EVE livestream but also get some sweet Corsair prizes, which admittedly is a lot nicer than crunchy snacks.
Fans can tune in this Friday, August 23rd, at 7:00 a.m. EDT to the CCP Twitch channel for this unique livestream, which will feature several devs to discuss the past, present, and future of EVE Online for a little bit. Afterwards, the team will apparently “leave the cameras running and see what happens.” Expect at least some sauna time, dinner, and probably drinking. We’re sure it’ll be totally innocuous.
If you still want to make a mark in CCP Games history without having to host a livestream in your living room, you can always join in a vote to name the meeting rooms of CCP’s new office. There are 25-30 rooms that can be named, but first there’s the matter of choosing a theme for these room names; that poll is currently open if you want to participate.