In order to populate the universe of Star Citizen with various rest stops and space stations, the devs are going to have to put together some procedural generators to expedite the process. In this week’s Inside Star Citizen video digest, we got a closer look at that generation system in action, which manages everything from general station layouts to food court creation. Yes, they added a segment on food court creation.
While that certainly seems erroneous on the surface, the food court segment does provide a deeper look at how each station can be individually adjusted, with a variety of styles, decor sets, and even restaurant locations. While the generator is random, it’s also a “controlled randomness” to make sure appropriate storefronts are added in. Fans will also notice that the food court storefronts are more open instead of hiding behind a sliding door like those in Port Olisar or Lorville.
The video also offered a look at a new annunciator panel for ships that offers real-time information about various ship systems like heat, enemy missile lock, proximity warnings, and quantum drive failure. Certain ships will have these annunciator panels installed, though information on which ones will have this new element wasn’t detailed. What we do know is that these new panels and food courts are due for alpha 3.8.
Finally, the video closes by stating that the next couple of episodes of Inside Star Citizen might be a little dodgy to ensure too much isn’t revealed ahead of CitizenCon, and a new Free Fly event is due to arrive soon to celebrate alpha 3.7’s launch.