Awwww, Riot Games loves its Legends of Runeterra players. In a moment of warm fuzzies, the devs of the League of Legends CCG have penned a letter of excitement and thanks ahead of the game’s January 24th open beta.
“As lifelong CCG players and fans of League of Legends, we’re honored by the opportunity to bring these passions together,” reads the note. “If you’re a long-time League player, we’re proud to bring new life to the champions you know and love […] And if you’re brand-new to the world of Runeterra — welcome!”
The letter further goes on to promise to do right by its players and “prioritize your experience over all else” and gushes with gratitude choose to join in on the open beta. “We cannot wait to play alongside you, hear your feedback, and improve the game for years to come. Open beta is just the beginning,” closes the note.
It’s all very sweet and squishy. Now maybe Riot Games should consider treating its staff better.
A letter to the Legends of Runeterra Community: pic.twitter.com/xnQqGWL7fW
— Legends of Runeterra (@PlayRuneterra) January 22, 2020