In spite of a work-from-home policy, the folks at Camelot Unchained have been spectacularly busy. In the end of the month update for March, the Top Tenish is now a Top Thirty-Six that is loaded with a number of update details.
One of the primary development focus points continues to be the new Devout class, with work on a unique cauldron staff and continued design iteration for non-resurrection Runes and Shapes. On the subject of Shapes, which specify the delivery of Runes, the team at City State found that some components will need larger tech improvements and will need to be revisited in the future.
It’s not all Devout classes, though. The update also talks about some unique crafter-made items such as the Scrapwork Trap, which cobbles together a trap out of whatever spare materials they have in their inventory, and some new barricade items that crafters can put together.
Another big-ticket item in the list is concept work on Soul Essence Shards from defeated players. The idea is that these Shards provide a temporary boost to the health, damage, and healing power of the player that picks them up while also representing a demerit of those same stats to the player that was killed. Ideally, this will provide incentive for PvP and avoiding death, but what will likely happen is PvP fights will involve players rushing at one another, slapping each other like angry cats, and then running away with no gained ground.
The update has a large swath of development progress reports, including server improvements, better ragdoll physics, some new CUBE materials, a new Spawn Protection Bubble to hopefully limit spawn camping (yea, sure Jacobs), and a lot more. Again, there’s a Top Thirty-Six. There are also further development discussions in the game’s latest newsletter and a livestream embedded below.