Oh, you know about obscure World of Warcraft things? That’s great. But do you really know about it? Sure, you might think you know lots of obscure facts, like the wandering Goldshire children and their strange ritual, or the unused Karazhan Crypts, or the turtles in the Dalaran Sewers…
But do you know about the Corrupted Ashbringer event in Scarlet Monastery? Martin Fury? The Dragon Isles? The dance studio? Heroic Strike cancelling? Quel’thalas in Vanilla? Night Elf Mohawks? Woo Ping? It’s a whole dang iceberg, and Icy Veins has shown off a graphic dedicated to making it clear just how big that iceberg is beneath the surface.
The point isn’t really about elitism, though; it’s showing just how obscure some of these things (ranging from weird promotions to unused test assets to bizarre bugs) really are, a sort of impromptu test of your command of old trivia. And we’re willing to bet some of these things are going to be unfamiliar to you, which means it’s time for some fun searching as you learn about bucklers for Rogues or Richole Nichie.