It’s like Shark Week but with digital extraterrestrial life! Or more specifically, it’s much like the game’s St. Patrick’s Day celebration. In any event, Star Citizen is celebrating Alien Week, which offers up a number of community events and lore details in honor of the alien life in the ‘Verse.
The meat and potatoes of Alien Week is all about lore, with the promise of “fun facts” about the Banu, Tevarin, Xi´an, and Vanduul. Alien lore is also the subject of this week’s Star Citizen Live roundtable for those who are looking for an hour’s worth of lore discussion. There will also be two contests running during Alien Week: One where players can create a first contact message and an alien-inspired cooking contest.
Much like the St. Patrick’s Day event, there are associated ship sales going on as well for a variety of alien manufactured spacecraft. Most of the ships on offer are flyable, with the exception of in-concept craft like the Banu Merchantman and the Aopoa San’tok.yāi. Alien Week runs between now and Friday, June 19th.
In wilder Star Citizen news, the game passed the $300 million mark for crowdfunding. Wheee!