This past Thursday saw yet another peek at Ashes of Creation gameplay and development footage from the folks at Intrepid Studios. The video first kicked off with a number of spell effect previews as well as a look at the level up effect among other visual previews. The devs also discussed what sort of visual language they are trying with these effects. After all, nothing satisfies like a good level up ding.
The video then talked a great deal about gathering, one of the three artisan trees that players can progress through. Gathering tools will have a limited number of uses though tools with more uses can be built as players progress, and certain tiers of resources will require certain tool tiers to gather. There are currently three types of resources players can harvest: single resources that spawn in the world, resource veins that cough up multiples of a resource, and creature resources that can be harvested from hunting certain animals. Additionally, the higher a player’s proficiency is, the higher chance they have of finding a rare resource during their gathering attempts.
At one point the broadcast showed off some in-game footage, including a fly-through of a level 10 dungeon out in the world. This particular dungeon was sizeable in scale, with a number of rooms for hunting and finding treasure. It should be noted that dungeons in Ashes are not instanced, meaning there’s the potential for groups or guilds to camp in a room, and if one group is unwilling to unseat themselves, then players will have to fight one another over the matter. The video also showed off swimming, discussed environmental updates, and talked up visual progression, equipment customization, and spiders. Always spiders.
In other Ashes of Creation news, Steven Sharif once more found himself as a guest on a streamer’s broadcast to talk about the game, including explaining the rationale for creating an open PvP sandbox, opening a business on a Freehold, choosing primary archetypes and changing secondary archetypes, PvP wars, finding and customizing mounts, and repairing gear among other things. We’ve embedded both that interview and the developer livestream below, while Ashes Post offers a summary of the developer stream for those who want to skim the details.