Even as you slumber, the World of Warcraft: Shadowlands beta continues to toil away in its preparation for the great day of reckoning that will soon come to all. All subscribers, that is. The beta was wiped yesterday to bring it up to the latest build, which seems to have broken a few things such as access to certain classes and allied races.
Some items of note in the beta is that Blizzard is retiring most experience potions, wands can be transmog’d into other weapon types, and the Great Vault weekly chest had its requirements adjusted to be easier for Mythic+ and harder for PvP.
Part of this week’s beta test was a look at the full scope of Rogue legendary powers, so if you’re a stealthy, stabby sort, you might want to take a look. And this class in particular will be visiting a new in-game memorial to a fallen streamer, as Blizzard added a Rogue trainer NPC named Reckful to commemorate the late gamer and MMO developer.