A while back, I asked you folks whether you tried to become rich in MMOs, but that Daily Grind didn’t go into detail on what we actually do with our accrued video game wealth. And sometimes I find that it’s… nothing.
See, I have a bad habit in real life of buying something consumable and loving it so much that I can’t bear to actually use it, as if I like the idea of having it and using it in the future even more than I like using it right now. Sometimes I do this same thing with my piles of gold in video games too: I hoard it because I like the idea of being able to spend like a fool more than I actually spend like said fool. I have a hard time pulling the trigger.
But I have done it. For example, this spring I spent close to 200M credits on resources in SWG Legends so I could move into armorsmithing, a big change for my crafting playstyle. I’ve made it all back, and it was a welcome shift, so I’m glad I broke out of my spendthrift rut and did it! A few weeks ago, I put down 20 gold (a huge sum for me in LOTRO as I have no endgame toons and only this summer returned to the game) on a high-end lute for my Minstrel. I don’t even know who I am anymore. Pre-COVID me would’ve made do with whatever junk I had around!
What do you spend your in-game MMO money on lately? What are your most notable recent purchases in an MMO – with in-game currency, not cash shop money?