A few weeks back, a new SWG Legends chef was chatting me up on Discord, asking what were frankly very reasonable questions about some of the nonsense in the game’s crafting system. I found myself basically counseling this player to ignore whole schematics and experimentation lines and enhancement tissues that seem like they’d be really important. No, don’t bother wasting your mats on quantity or duration tissues. Just make nutrition, and on most foods, experiment there first. Knowing what you can safely ignore, rather than what you can do, turns out to be a major part of getting good at a crafting skill, and it’s easy to forget that when you’ve been doing it for years and years.
In SWG Legends’ case, the useless leftover chef junk is the result of multiple overhauls to the original live game, good and bad, that often left these weird artifacts and vestigial bits in afterward. I’d love to see it fixed and overhauled by the rogue servers because I hate knowing there are worthless craftables in the game, just lying in wait for unsuspecting newbies who assume, as Raph Koster once joked, that devs wouldn’t put something in the game if it didn’t serve a purpose – and so its lack of purpose must be a bug.
What borky system in your favorite MMO needs some love or an overhaul?