Things interacting with other things. That’s part of the focus for Star Citizen’s latest video. That sounds pretty rudimentary, but is part of a “zoo” — an internal playtesting playground — that provides a look at a variety of new interactions that currently aren’t in the game right now, such as power relays shutting down lights, doors being jammed open, and alarms going off after door locks are broken. And, yes, there’s even a point where a light bulb is changed, bringing forth all kinds of questions on how many CIG devs it takes to change one in-game.
The second half of the video features a sprint report that takes a look at radar filtering and radar signatures being blocked by physical objects like asteroids, iridescent paint, the exterior of a refinery deck within a La Grange gas cloud, and another look at frontier homesteads from in-engine, which paves the way for future updates such as frontier towns out in the wilds of space and player-made outposts. Though those are likely a long ways off.