Star Citizen saw fit to condense both November and December’s work into one monthly report this time around, which once again offers a recounting of progress already made and a number of looks at what’s cooking in the many, many ovens of CIG for the near future.
In the AI section we see some new on-foot enemy behaviors thanks to a hearing filter area system that effectively causes enemies to be deafened to attacks that are out of their hearing range, which looks to stop every mob in an entire base from swarming you when you take out one foe. Ship AI, meanwhile, saw progress on gas cloud awareness and stopped AI ships from losing their little minds and flying erratically when a target they were defending is destroyed.
In the art sections we get word on three new armor sets that are in the works for later this year, along with continued Pyro asset creation; continued improvement of planets; some further development of the Crusader Hercules; and word on some new on-foot weapons like an electron rile and new ship-based weapons including the Idris’ railgun and a new MOAB-style bomb.
Finally, the narrative section considered the lore implications of the newly elected Imperator of the UEE while also generating proposals for character needs in the persistent universe and discussing in-game mission events currently in development.
Those are some of the standout highlights, but as usual, there’s many more updates to read about.