Good news for Fallout 76 players: The next update is dubbed Locked & Loaded, and it expects you to handle loading and/or locking accordingly because you’ll be fighting some new stuff in Daily Ops. Players will be facing off against Mothman Cultists, Scorched, and Mole Miners now, possibly while taking part in the new Decryption mode in which three special codes must be obtained to take out Radio Interceptors.
Players will also have to contend with new modifiers applied to these opponents, including Savage Strike (ignoring armor resistances), Swift Footed (faster enemy movement), and Toxic Blood (enemies leave hazard pools on death). Emerging successfully from these new challenges brings rewards, however, including a new suit of Covert Scout Armor. You can also get a rundown of all these improvements in video format just below, so you’d better get ready to have all your weapons loaded and everything necessary in its locked position.