Do you like slotting watered-down Infinity Stones into your equipment as a means to incrementally adjust your character’s stats by the barest of measurements, granting you the illusion of character build customization? Then you’re going to love the Imbued Gems that were added to Shroud of the Avatar in Release 90.
The latest update has introduced 77 Imbued Gems and Jewels that can be salvaged from many artifacts and 18 others that can be crafted using recipes found throughout New Britannia, along with four new gem and jewel socekting recipes. These new items can only be applied to crafted gear, and not every artifact will yield gems or jewels, but there are a variety of ways players can get these new shinies, all of which are outlined in the update notes.
On the subject of artifacts, there’s been another round of balance adjustments made to artifacts in the game, as well as a variety of combat balance changes and skill adjustments, some UI updates, and a host of world quest changes. All of the salient details can be found in the latest Avatar’s Update.