If you’re among those who believe that dynamic events in Star Citizen have room for improvement, know that folks in CIG agree with you. Thus, this week’s episode of Inside Star Citizen talks about plans for improving the Xenothreat event; expect clearer objective details and informative dialogue, better friendly fire recognition and penalties, the opportunity to earn rewards via the game’s reputation system, and a change to the Javelin resupply and protection phases.
On the subject of events, the video also offers a quick look at Star Citizen’s next event known as Ninetails Lockdown. This event runs for approximately four hours (instead of over several days) and sees players either helping Crusader liberate a space station that’s been overrun by pirates or helping the pirates hold territory. The Ninetails event will have four phases as well, but only two of those phases — a point where players choose sides and the initial clash — were detailed in the video.
The second half of the video has another sprint report, taking a look at new visual effects for dust being kicked up on planetary surfaces by ship maneuvering thrusters; new fire and smoke effect previews; another round of hospital previews; some new in-game company logos; updates to the interiors of the Aegis Retaliator and Aegis Redeemer as well as exterior updates for the Ares Starfighter; some peeks at Drake Interplanetary-specific HUD designs; and yet another look at Orison lighting.