If you’ve ever looked with envy at the polygonal meals lining the tables in Final Fantasy XIV’s inns and thought, “I’d eat the crap out of THAT!” — your day is about to come. Apparently there’s an official FFXIV cookbook in the works that’s coming out this fall.
This was spotted by Twitter user Wario64, who took screenshots of a Simon and Schuster book listing specifically identifying FFXIV as the game in question before it was watered down into a more vague description. Apparently this news wasn’t quite ready to be leaked, but hey, now it’s out there.
“Take a culinary adventure through one of gaming’s most beloved franchises,” the official description said. “With stunning photography and step by step instructions, this book gives you everything you need to recreate some of this game’s most iconic dishes.”
The 192-page, 70 recipe cookbook is set to go on sale this November 9th for a retail price of $35. You can pre-order it on Amazon right now as well.