Might and Delight has delayed Book of Travels yet again, though it won’t be a dramatically longer wait: The new early access debut is happening August 30th. The studio says it will “use the additional time to make sure the upcoming build matches the team’s vision.”
“Right now we’re in a good place, but the fine-tuning we’ll do in these extra three weeks will ensure that the depth of the gameworld meets our ambitions, the same ambitions we’ve outlined to our backers and community. Quality is and has always been our only goal, and we have faith in our community and hope that they’ll understand that the result will be better with the wait.”
[…]“Every detail that we check now and every final touch that’s made will make your adventures more immersive, more compelling, more rewarding. Thank you for bearing with us! Braided Shore will be all the better for these last few weeks’ attention.”
Readers will recall that the crowdfunded MMO originally set its early access for last fall, then delayed to Q2 of this year, then to Q3 – specifically, August 9th for the “chapter zero” release. This delay is its third. Readers will also recall that there’s some other big stuff happening at the end of August, so let’s hope this game won’t get buried.
The studio did release some new screenshots and an updated trailer for the occasion: