Not long after Crowfall launched, I had a fun chat with MOP reader Brandon, who mentioned that one of his friends was an early backer of the game but had bailed and passed along his account loot to him. The conversation echoed something I have said on our podcast: that people need to be allowed to change their minds on MMOs. We need to normalize it!
When Crowfall hit the crowdfunding scene back in 2015, the genre was different, the games available were different, the games on the way were different, and we were all different. Heck, Crowfall itself is very different from the game that was originally pitched. But even if the game launches exactly as pitched, I just don’t think it’s unjust to have changed your mind, to have wanted something a whole lot in 2015 but not that much in 2021. Six years is a lot. I had a newborn when Crowfall went to Kickstarter; now that baby is old enough to play games with me.
Of course, that also means that years from now, you might change your mind again.
Which Kickstarter MMOs do you actually still want when they launch?