It might almost seem an afterthought to put ARK Survival Evolved on Stadia at this late a date, given that ARK II is already under development and the original game isn’t destined for any major upgrades in the future, but it’s happening all the same. Studio Wildcard is putting the eternal-early access 2015 survival game into Google’s cloud.
“Studio Wildcard announced today that the definitive multiplayer dinosaur survival experience, ARK: Survival Evolved, is now available on Stadia, the new generation gaming platform from Google. On Stadia, ARK survivors, will tame and raise dinos, claim land, conquer enemies and create enormous structures seamlessly – moving easily between PC, laptop, TVs and even controller-connected mobile devices. ARK: Survival Evolved is now available for Stadia Pro subscribers to claim and instantly play for free, as well as for purchase within the Stadia store.”
The Stadia version of the game includes all of its DLC to date, including ARK: Genesis Part 2, which is supposed to be a “narrative bridge between the current game and its recently announced sequel, ARK II,” and of course stars David Tennant and Madeleine Madden. Wildcard says the game has sold more than 20M copies across PC and console with more than 40M players worldwide, and that’s not hard to believe, given how strong its concurrency on Steam is even six years later.