Bless Unleashed’s producer Koven Park has taken to Steam to pen a three part letter to PC players, offering up a number of updates coming to the MMORPG in the near future. The letter’s first part is generally short and sweet, announcing that the game’s sixth battle pass will give away its premium reward track for free to all players as a sign of gratitude, as well as announcing plans to share an update roadmap after the game’s September update.
The second portion promises to further improve the PC UI experience, assures players that the team at Round 8 are ramping up penalties against goldsellers, and outlines a number of balance adjustments coming to the game’s classes.
Speaking of that September update, the third segment of the letter outlines new content coming on Wednesday, September 15th, which will include a harder version of the Spider Queen boss fight and a new Time Dungeon. The post further outlines the boss fights awaiting in this new instance while sharing a video preview as well; that can be seen after the break.