What happens when the announcement of your game draws far, far more interest than you have actual room for in your testing program? A whole lot of interested parties on the outside of a building, cupping their faces and looking through the frosted glass to the wonders within, that’s what.
This has been the situation this summer with Palia, which made a huge splash with its initial reveal and then generated a huge wave of disappointment when only the tiniest fraction of interested players were invited into the pre-alpha. Well, now that test is over, and at least all of us who were excluded are able to get a glimpse of the wonders that it contained.
In a pre-alpha wrap-up post, Singularity Six shared some of the testimonies of the testers (along with screenshots) and promised that the next testing phase will include more players. The studio also said that the players in the pre-alpha helped to identify 78,650 bugs (while also baking 153 pies).
“Although we were only able to welcome a small percentage of players into this phase of testing, it was an invaluable opportunity to examine not only our technical systems, but the aspirational seeds of the vision and values that had been carefully planted,” Singularity Six said.