There are a number of descriptors MMORPG devs would like to hear about their game world’s maps. Things like “gorgeous,” “lush,” “expansive,” or “interesting.” One descriptor that devs probably don’t like to hear is “slipperier than a syrup-covered pig sliding downhill.” That was apparently something of an issue in Shroud of the Avatar (though likely not as severe as that description would imply), but the problem of players’ feet sliding when on overworld maps was apparently a thing. A thing that’s been fixed now.
The latest build update has made a few other fixes on top of slippery maps, like improving loot imbalances (without specifying what); the end of players and NPCs being swallowed by the ground (so maps are either slick or ravenous, apparently); stopping players who stand on slanted object from bouncing (maybe they’re just vibing?); and terrain in Shaminian Hills being once again visible (so slippery, ravenous, and sneaky!). The patch notes aren’t exactly extensive, but clearly these are fixes that had to be made.