Player characters who decided to stay on WoW Classic’s “Classic Era” realms after Burning Crusade Classic came out this past summer knew they had to be in for a much quieter lifestyle. Perhaps it’s been too quiet, however, because Blizzard is all but pushing players to consolidate on a few choice realms in order to bolster population.
The studio announced that it was offering free character transfers off of specific underpopulated realms to either the Mankrik (PvE) or Whitemane (PvP) servers. Blizzard warned players that this move was “irreversible,” so, you know, look before you leap and all that.
The Classic Era realms is getting ready for Patch 1.14 with some new graphic settings and DX12 support. Blizzard has also hinted that fresh servers for WoW Classic may be in the game’s future.