Final Fantasy XI adds more Voracious Resurgence with its April version update

You are boring and your stuff is boring.

One thing that almost no Final Fantasy XI player would say at this point is that the game has a dearth of content related to rhyming megalomaniac Shantotto. Seriously, she got a whole add-on scenario; we are probably good with Shantotto content forever. And yet you’re going to have to talk with her and deal with her to continue with the new Voracious Resurgence content arriving with this month’s version update, so… well, if you’re still a fan, this will be great for you! Otherwise, just try to hang on.

The patch also brings changes and additions for A.M.A.N Trove content as well as the usual monthly rotation of Ambuscade challenges and rewards. You can catch up on all of the changes with the video format of the latest Vana’diel Digest, or you can just peruse the actual patch notes, whatever works best for you. There are multiple options! But there are not multiple options for dealing with Shantotto. Sorry.

Source: Official Site (1, 2)
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