Usually events in MMORPGs are a big deal. Or at least some degree of deal. There are event currencies and quests and whatever that you have to sort out and it requires some brainspace to understand. But the event Elyon has turned on with today’s event is very simple: You get more experience points, more skill attribute points, and more rune attribute points. That’s it. That’s the entire event. Go nuts, be stronger.
We’d tell you to go hunt and kill skuls, but it’s the wrong game.
The patch also does contain a couple of no-doubt welcome bug fixes, like removing incorrect information in the Paladin’s skill Metatron’s Judgment and fixing the Growth Support quest reward to be the correct item. But for the most part this patch just turns off the Summer Is Here event and turns on the new straightforward overclocking event. Hey, isn’t it kind of nice to have an event where you don’t have to mange some new kind of currency? Elyon hopes so.