The original Overwatch has been celebrating its anniversary for a while in a three part remix that started in April, bringing back brawls from previous events and older cosmetics with new twists. Last week saw that third part go live with skins for Tracer, D.Va, and Genji, as well as returning seasonal brawls like Halloween Terror, Winter Wonderland, and the Overwatch Archives.
Perhaps one of the bigger pieces of news out of this announcement is actually what happens when the event ends on Tuesday, August 30th. That’s when lockbox sales will completely end for the shooter, though players will still be able to earn free lockboxes through play after that point. Additionally, any lockboxes that aren’t opened before Overwatch 2 takes over on October 4th will be automatically opened before then.
This does naturally bring to mind the worrying monetization questions Blizzard asked of players in recently emailed surveys. Readers will remember that Blizzard said in a statement that “prices displayed in the survey were randomized per user and are not indicative of final pricing,” but it does suggest that actual prices are probably going to become clear soon. That’s a “future you” problem, though. In the meantime, why not celebrate the past for a few weeks?