At the eleventh hour, Atlas rushes into the room holding seven pumpkins, a scythe, two black cats, assorted plastic spiders, and four real spiders in its arms. “It’s not too late for a Halloween event, right?” it shouts as it begins running around the room frantically, looking for a staple gun to attach some fake cobwebs. Good news, Atlas: It’s not too late for that, you made it just under the wire, and the event starts today offering a variety of cosmetic rewards. This includes the ability to change your cannonballs into Jack-o-Lanterns, although they’ll still hit like cannonballs, so it will perhaps be less festive than that implies.
Other changes with this particular patch include the addition of the swarm house because girls and pirates both like swarms of things, and the addition of a floating operation base for people who think actual islands are for dorky nerds. Dorky pirate nerds, presumably. Check out the full list of changes and bug fixes, and get to work earning your Halloween rewards as well as a week-long bonus rate event. Don’t worry, we all celebrate Halloween well into November anyhow.