For too long – meaning “since the early access stage of Fractured Online began” in this case – Wildfolk have had to deal with not having one of their marquee abilities. Don’t you want to transform into a more animalistic form? Now you can with the latest update, which adds crystals the race can absorb energy from in order to store charges of primal energy and unleash the beast within. Which promptly becomes the beast without when unleashed; that’s what “transformation” means in this context.
Both sub-races of Wildfolk use unarmed attacks so long as they’re transformed, but the unarmed attacks still allow use of melee weapon techniques. The transformed characters also have to rely upon combat actions, as they are unable to take non-combat actions during the transformation. Oh, and they become a lot stronger and harder to hurt, even though armor is also temporarily disabled. Check out the full rundown in the patch notes and get ready to unleash the beast whenever your Wildfolk need an extra shot in the arm for battle.
A shot in the arm would likely be a nice thing for the game in general; while the game is available through multiple platforms, its Steam numbers are dismal, and its subreddit hasn’t seen a new post in over two weeks as of this writing. Steam reviews remain at “Mixed,” and the Discord was active when we took a peek… mostly full of people arguing this update was too small to bring back a critical mass of people for testing in early access.