Guild Wars 2’s patch adds WvW incentives, cosmetics randomizer, and class balancing


As promised, Guild Wars 2’s class balancing update has arrived, and depending on which elite spec play you will love, hate, or love and hate the update. However you feel about your class, you’ll likely be immediately distracted, as ArenaNet has implemented a new randomizer feature for cosmetics ranging from outfits to mounts that applies every time you zone into a map or summon a deployable. As an added bonus, there’s a freebie makeover kit available today as well.

Among the non-class changes today is a hefty WvW upgrade, about which ArenaNet posted a lengthy dev blog last night. The upgrades focus on WvW’s towers, keeps, and castle objectives, specifically their rewards, which scale depending on how the objectives are upgraded and defended along the way. The studio is focused on buffing rewards for successful control flips and defenses but also for failed assaults and defenses, since the goal is to encourage active participation and incentivize fights by rewarding players regardless of success.

“We have several goals for this system. Primarily, it’s a way to increase and improve rewards for active play in WvW. We think of active play as meaningfully contributing to team success and engaging enemy players for control of map objectives. This player interaction is the lifeblood of WvW, and incentivizing participation is always at the forefront of our decision-making process. Another goal is to incentivize battles. By improving the rewards given to key events—especially defense events—and scaling those rewards based on participation and upgrade status, we anticipate players will engage in more direct conflict as opposed to moving from one undefended objective to another.”

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