Grab a new-player survivor pack key for IGG’s Doomsday: Last Survivors

Doomsday Survivors

If you’ve got a soft spot for the ol’ zombie survival games that used to be everywhere and then dried up, IGG’s Android-and-iPhone Doomsday Last Survivors might be your next temptation, as it’s billed as a “zombie survival game with multiplayer online competition and real-time strategy elements […] set in a near future where zombies have taken over the world [and] survivors must fight for their lives and humanity’s future” as you build shelter, explore, and of course, fight zombies (and each other, naturally).

IGG has kindly granted us a stack of keys to help our readers get started in the game. Each key is valued at $50 and unlocks 100 Gem x1, 5m Speedup x12, VIP EXP 100 x1, Uncommon Hero Relic x10, Intermediate Resource Pack x5, Advanced Resource Pack x2, Normal Search Map x2, Stamina Recovery I x5, Elite Hero Badge S x5, and Battle Manual (5,000 EXP) x5.

Click the Mo button below (and prove you’re not a robot) to grab one of these keys!

get your key

681 keys left!

To redeem your code, download and log in to the game on your mobile device of choice and tap on your Avatar then Settings then Gift Code buttons; once the proper tab is open, tap on the right-most gift box icon and enter your code. You can find your IGG ID by tapping the Avatar then Settings then Account buttons.

Do note that keys work only for new players who register an account for the game between March 20th and April 20th, 2023, anywhere in the world, and only once per account. Keys must be applied within 24 hours of registration; they expire April 20th, 2023.

Standard giveaway notes: If there’s no captcha or Mo button and all it says is “No keys left! Sorry” in big letters, then we’re out of keys. If we get another batch from the studio, we’ll send out a note on social media. Having problems with the captcha not working? Try an alt browser or clear your cache. And finally, hang on to your code! If you lose it after all of our keys are given out, we cannot retrieve it for you.

Good luck and have fun!

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