Even though alpha 3.18 has been a slow burning disaster for Star Citizen between its initial deployment and now, CIG is still looking to deliver its alpha 3.19 build on time, and in order to do that, the studio is ramping up the release timing for 3.18 patches.
First, alpha 3.18.1, which readers will recall is aimed at providing additional fixes for the current build, is “locked for external testing” and is undergoing internal load testing with a set of new tools. “While load testing has always been a part of our process, we are making changes to incorporate this new method of ‘locking’ and doing ‘final load testing’ internally for all future releases,” the post reads.
With 3.18.1 nearly out the door, the team will turn its attention to PTU testing of alpha 3.18.2, which could arrive to public testing as soon as today, March 30th. “It was important that we communicate this to you early so that there is no confusion when 3.18.2 rolls out for testing, despite 3.18.1 not having hit the live servers yet,” CIG explains. “We’re excited about this new approach and hope it will bring significant improvements to how we roll out our regular content.”
Meanwhile the status page has no new details beyond an early morning problem with the RSI Launcher and the forums, which was apparently fixed with “percussive maintenance.”