World of Warcraft promises new class-based sets on the Trading Post, previews August offerings


What do you think of when you think of Priest in World of Warcraft? Did you say “candles and octopus masks”? Why would you say that? You’re weird, but apparently that exact flavor of weird fits with the art team because that’s the look of the new Priest class set arriving in the Trading Post in September. But it’s not just Priest; every class will get a new set of armor (specifically a belt, helm, and shoulders) and a new three-piece weapon set starting in September, with the releases staggered out until December.

You can purchase these sets on any character, but only the appropriate class will be able to use the appearances for same, so keep that in mind before you buy. August, meanwhile, sees a variety of rewards such as Blood Troll transmog, the Spirit of Competition pet, and the Ancestral Clefthoof. So get your monthly store items while the getting’s good, right?

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