My nostalgia and I had a Moment the other day when I saw that Funcom was celebrating its 30th anniversary. Even though I freely acknowledge that this is a studio with an imperfect track record, I am quite fond of it. I fell in love with The Longest Journey back in the day, cut my teeth on MMORPGs with Anarchy Online, and was huge into The Secret World for many years there. And despite the fact that I’m not a big fan of the franchise, Dune Awakening is a project that I’m anticipating to some degree.
Roping Age of Conan, Secret World Legends, and Conan Exiles (why not) into this conversation, I thought it’d be an appropriate moment to reflect on our favorite Funcom MMOs. Which one grabbed your attention and occupies a special place in your memories? Do you still play any of these even today?