Daybreak announces Fippyfest 2024, an in-person and digital event celebrating EverQuest


Not two days ago, we covered the news that Daybreak is planning to host both an EverQuest-centric development panel and a player meet-and-greet at this year’s PAX East, and we remarked that we missed the days of SOE Fan Faire and SOE Live. Well, those days are in for a little bit of a revival, as Daybreak has now also announced Fippyfest 2024. Yes, they’re gonna keep milking that dumb gnoll for all he’s worth. It’s a mixed digital/in-person event coming in June, focused entirely on EverQuest and EverQuest II.

[W]e’re honored to host the very first digital Fippy Fest on June 15th, 2024! Tune in as we look to the past and forward to the future of these games. We are planning on Q&A panels akin to those at Fan Faire’s of the past. While watching the stream will not require ticketed access, every purchasable edition will include access to ask questions live and some sweet digital in-game loot to show off on top. While we are focused on the digital aspect of this first Fippy Fest, we also plan to have a very limited number of tickets available for in-person attendance of the event and some pre-livestream activities.”

Daybreak hasn’t actually said where the physical event will be (San Diego where Darkpaw is? Vegas where the old live events used to be?), but it does say it’s opening ticket sales “for both the digital and in-person events” next week on February 28th, with an eye toward keeping the in-person event “small and intimate” – we just don’t know how small and intimate, let alone how much. Stay tuned.

Source: EQ2
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