The devstream from Warframe at this year’s PAX East had a lot to show off to fans. That’s generally nothing new if you consider how info-loaded these presentations tend to be, but this one had reveals for three different updates, so you might be able to appreciate why we italicized the word “lot” this time around.
First, the presentation confirmed that the Dante Unbound update will release on Wednesday, March 27th, with a new teaser trailer to match. The presentation also showed off three new voidshell skins for three different Frames, announced permanent bunny ears (this is important news, people), and offered a peek at an emote for Gauss Prime.
Next up, there was a fresh teaser trailer for the time traveling throwback update that is Warframe: 1999, which shows off Aoi, the second Protoframe that will be playable in the update. That’s about all fans will be getting for now, but more details are promised at this year’s TennoCon.
Finally, Digital Extremes announced the Jade Shadows update for Warframe, which will introduce the new Frame named Jade, a Yareli Deluxe skin, and the promise of new lore. Jade Shadows will be getting a primary feature during the game’s April devstream, while the studio plans to have it go live before TennoCon.
Other things of note in the devstream include TennoCon 2024’s date of July 19th, the official start of the multiplayer shooter’s 11th anniversary celebration, and a peek at Protea Prime. The full broadcast can be seen below, as well as the latest teasers.