The Land of the Morning Light in Black Desert will soon throw its… uh, morning light across a new area, as Pearl Abyss has provided another peek at the Seoul region that will be arriving to the MMORPG and adding on more gameplay details since the last preview at December’s Calpheon Ball.
The end of the 20 minute-long dev commentary video provided a look at three new locations within BDO’s version of Seoul: the Royal Investigation Bureau building, the Sunken Flower Swamp that promises to hold some dark secret, and some new castle ruins found within the land where the Tamer class hails from.
The preview also promised eight new tales for players to take up when Seoul opens, a new boss to fight by the name of Bulgasal, a group battle for guilds in the Black Shrine, and new weapons styled after Dark Bonghwang. As for when Seoul will arrive, it’s scheduled to launch in Korea during the summer.
The video also provided a host of other upcoming feature plans for BDO, including further class adjustments, optimizations to the number of skill hits in order to reduce server lag, revamps for Black Spirit rage skills, new accessories, upcoming levels for life skills, and QoL updates for the music system. As for BDO’s immediate future, this week saw a new monster zone and class tweaks for the PC version and a new Restricted Zone area and quest line for BDO Mobile.