World of Warcraft’s pre-patch for The War Within disables both warbanks and cross-realm trading because of bugs

It also has outdated talent trees


If you look at the pre-expansion patch World of Warcraft delivers ahead of expansions as a dry run of the expansion itself, The War Within’s pre-patch is currently giving a stormy impression. One of the main features of the patch, the shared warbank for your warband (in other words, all of your characters on your account), has been disabled due to an undisclosed critical issue. That makes the feature wholly inaccessible, alongside the cross-realm trading functionality also being disabled because it was freezing the game and leaving players unable to log back into the character for a while. All of which is great news.

But at least you can explore the expansion’s talent trees! Sort of. Players noticed that the talent trees that were made available on the live realms didn’t match the game’s beta servers, and Blizzard responded that this was all correct and working as intended. So instead of being able to change your talent tree to match the expansion and get some practice in beforehand, you can… not… do that, because they’ll be changing in a month again. In other words, everything is going swimmingly. It is better for these bugs to happen now rather than on the expansion launch and rolling the features out piecemeal is part of a testing process, but to quote a commenter on Wowhead: “Who’d have thought selling beta access and laying off your Q&A staff would result in this, other than everyone.”

Source: Official Site (1, 2, 3)
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