Albion Online’s Q&A vid talks PvE vs PvP balance, passives, anti-cheat, and accessibility


If you have a spare 42 minutes and 26 seconds to watch Albion Online game director Robin Henkys answer player questions from the warm embrace of The Comfy Chair, then I envy you your abundance of time. Fortunately, there are a few key takeaways from the game’s latest video Q&A for the rest of us:

  • Sandbox Interactive is indeed considering a revamp of passive combat skills.
  • The studio won’t commit to 3v3 in all modes because it doesn’t believe it has a massive enough playerbase to fill them all.
  • The devs are constantly working on anti-cheat tech and trying to make sure it targets offenders without annoying everyone else. (He obviously can’t go into detail.) The recent patch apparently hit radar exploiters hard.
  • Several players asked for more solo rewards and content; Henkys says the team is continuing its accessibility efforts but also wants to avoid inflation by adding currency rewards to inappropriate modes.
  • Henkys spends several minutes talking about farming and player islands. It sounds as if there are tweaks coming for islands and laborers, but they are holding off on a big update until they have everything locked in. With housing, he says the devs simply haven’t had time to get to “vanity” content over combat content.
  • The PvE segment is by far the longest. SBI is apparently eternally struggling with trying to balance rewards in PvE that don’t compete with riskier PvP. The next big update does indeed improve the challenge of PvE content, however.
  • Dungeon finders might be on the table, but the studio is moving slowly on it, again owing to PvE and PvP balance.

There’s plenty more solid discussion in the video.

Source: YouTube
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